Hi there again people!
Here it is, me again writing in the middle of a busy day of February in the library.
Just got an idea about something to write recently. What is it? Coffee shop.
Yeap, let's talk about comparing coffee shops in the UK.
In Strategy's lecture 2 weeks ago, my lecturer took an example of the competitive coffee shop market in he UK and how they're being positioned in the eye of customers across the UK.
There are 4 different brands I have in Lancaster: Starbucks, Costa, Caffe Nero, and Esquire. Have been to all of them. And very often visited 1/2 of them regularly. Now, let's start!
1. Starbucks
Obviously an American type of shop and coffee. The position of Starbucks is not that 'big' in the UK actually. In fact millions of British ppl are hating it (you can see it from the hatred comments at their official facebook page) because of the 'tax evasion incident' and what they so called Starbucks is a place for smoothies not coffee.
Ok, for me as an Indonesian who is growing up along with Starbucks. I just couldn't be separated from Starbucks that easily. Maybe I'm just being too attached to it. I am still liking the ambience of the store, the facilities they provide, the image they have and the drinks they made. Even until here.
I know their coffee is not that great. Some of their baristas are really sucks. But I like their seasonal drinks like 'Pumpkin Spice Latte' in autumn, etc. Again, what makes me always ended up buy smthg in Starbucks is mostly the ambience, the privacy from the second floor of the store, and the service they offered. Again, maybe I'm just being overly attached to it. lol.
2. Esquire
A not so big brand, but I like Esquire Coffee Shop. The coffee is great. The service is so-so, met a very friendly staff for twice. But I like the overall ambience and place of the coffee shop. It's spacious, with wood decoration and very comfortable. As I observed a lot of middle aged people prefer to have a reading in here. Maybe because of the comfortable ambience as how I experienced previously. And don't forget the blueberry cheese cake muffin! The best muffin I have ever had in life. Tried the chocolate fudge cake as well and it is sooo delish!
3. Caffe Nero
My second favorite to visit. Great coffee, fast straight-forward service. I like the ambience as well. The wood tables and sofas. Simply comfortable.
4. Costa
Claimed as #1 favorite coffee shops in Great Britain. Costa is very British-ish. Most local ppl from wide range of age love it here. Apart from me, since in my experience, I rarely come to here during my almost 3 years stay in the UK.
Why? Cause as I see the shop is always full, packed of people. Secondly, the service. I don't know either is it just me being unlucky, me being too picky and over sensitive, or their service is always like that from time to time. I had my first hot chocolate in the UK at Costa 2 years ago. And because of the service, I never come back for 1 and a half years. Recently, I became a sudden regular to Costa at campus since it is the closest coffee stall I could get in the middle of 4 hours lecture every Wednesday. Their hot chocolate is great. The mocha is great. The capuccino and latte is great. Conclusion: their drinks are great. I'm highly recommending it. But for service and place's ambience? For me, I would hardly come back to have a seat at Costa. I'll definitely come back for a take out but may not for a stay.
Overall, all coffee shops are unique- each have different selling points. Different way of serving and service. Different coffee. Similar price. Different ambience, different kind of 'feeling' to be offered. For ambience I believe everyone have their own preferences, I cannot judge. But for me, I like Starbucks as a quiet escape from the rain to have a sit and read a book. I like Costa's coffee and chocolate. I love Cafe Nero's caramellate and White Choc Mocca. And I love Esquire's blueberry cheese cake muffin and to study in there. So yeah, make your own choice. If your favorite is Costa. You have successfully become a more British-ish then, hahaha
A little bit off the topic but yeah, a little update about my recent life. 3 words:
Busy. As. Hell.
Lent Term of 2nd year has awesomely turn me into a very busy person, much more than I have ever imagined. From one meeting to another meeting. From one revision to another revision. Plus I need to catch up for and maintain my scores. I need to take responsibility of a society. I need to take care of my own life and basic needs. I have to study. I have to socialize. I need to play. I have to listen to my family. I need to make an arrangement of my future holiday trip. I have to arrange my pocket money. I have to keep fit in the middle of oh so cold Lancaster. So yeah, here is my life! Wake up, basic needs, library, classes, meeting, library, society activities, a little bit of playing, then comes another day, another week, another month.
Time flies. It's week 5 alr. Deadlines and tests are coming. I have a responsibility as the president of indonesian society while at the same time I have so many lovely people around me needs to be time spent with.
I'm feeling so fragile at some moments. But I always try my best to stay strong. To keep standing straight on my own feet and to keep trying to be a better person in the future. Let's keep positive. Sounds cliche but I always try to look for what other ppl are lacking of compare to me nowadays. Not for me to be arrogant and proud of with, but for now, it is fully to make me realise how been blessed I am as a person. It was like an alarm to my soul saying: no matter how hard is your situation right now. Everyone else have their own difficulties and problems as well at these precise moment.
Be positive and keep being grateful folks! Have a great day!
Monday, 9 February 2015
Saturday, 22 November 2014
enjoy your days before 2014 end real soon!
Sabtu 22 November 2014 di Lancaster University Library
Halow semuanya yang membaca entah sengaja atau tidak ngebaca post ini, hehe
Gak terasa ya penghujung November udah didepan mata. Kapan terakhir kali saya cerita disini? Oh sebelum liburan summer! hahahah.
Yap yap hari ini udah penghujung Michaelmas Term ketiga di Lancaster (cepet banget ya Tuhan). Sudah kembali lagi ke Lancaster. Kembali belajar, mengajar, dan terus menjalani hari-hari sebagai student biasa hahah.
Recap dari awal aja kali ya. Thank God I had a great summer holiday this year! My second summer holiday, and this one is much better compare to last year's (as I remembered)
Back in Lancaster, as the new academic year starts, as usual here comes my turn to know A LOT of new people and be friends with them. This year there are larger number of Indonesian students who come compare to previous years. Most of them are postgrad students, coming from different backgrounds, different cities, and carrying different stories til being led to spend a year/years in Lancaster.
My first agenda after coming back to the UK is arranging PPI Lancaster's first meeting. And oh yeah I went to Iceland for 5 days the week before! I'm not gonna talk about it but overall this first trip without family is GREAT hehe
Anyway, yeap back to the first meetings. Greeted a lot of new people, remembering new faces and new names. And another thank God I was elected as the president of Indonesian Society this year! hahah
Udah cukup bahasa inggrisnya yah
Haha iya lanjut, jujur personally seneng dengan tanggung jawab ini. Tapi juga yang selalu gw inget dari ucapannya Kak Haikal. Jabatan itu amanah. Tanggung jawab. Orang banyak (dan gw sebenernya dulu juga) meremehkan arti sebuah jabatan/menganggap enteng itu sebagai sebuah advatage. Padahal ya kalau dipikir lagi enggak. Kita memang udah 'menang' dalam mendapatkan jabatan ini, tapi dengan itu juga tantangan kita dimulai untuk menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk dikenal dan diingat sebagai pemimpin yang tidak gagal.
And I wanna be that kind of person. Gw gak mau dianggep sebagai ketua yang gak ngapa-ngapain in the upcoming years. Gw mau, walaupun performance gw mungkin gak bagus2 amat nantinya. I'll try my best for now. Gw selalu memegang prinsip Kak Haikal dalam memimpin. Pemimpin itu mendengarkan, pemimpin itu melayani.
Bersyukur banget juga dalam 2 bulan terakhir ini tugas ini yang gw emban masih berjalan dengan lancar. Report yang gw buat thank God menang 5th position di PPI cabang of the year nya PPI UK dan adalah satu2nya PPI kecil yang menang. Acara bulan November kemarin, bowling ke Morecambe juga berjalan lancar dan sukses meng-cover biaya bus, biaya makan, dan biaya bowling anak2 yang ikutan. Latihan saman juga udah mulai lagi, ini minggu kedua. Semua yang gw sebutkan tadi adalah goal gw, dan bersyukur banget so far semuanya bisa terpenuhi. Ini juga bukan sepenuhnya hasil kerja gw, tapi tentu juga dari semua temen2 PPI Lancaster yang selalu terbuka dan supportive banget.
Anak-anaknya juga tahun ini gak kalah seru. Cowo-cowonya dengan sukarela doing the dishes (cuci piring) tanpa disuruh (ini nih yang bikin bahagia :') ) dan juga kocak2 dan asik2 banget.
Lanjut dengan hidup gw. Hmm yah beginilah, sekarang gw lagi di library. Niat belajar ACF, dan melanjutkan progress report Project Management. Still 2 tests and 1 deadline left unti december before christmas break. Yang bikin gw happy juga, tahun ini gw jauh lebih organised banget. I've successfully conquered what I used to dislike. Getting used to my marketing lecturer's unique accent, mencoba mendengarkan lecture statistics dan AKHIRNYA bisa mengerti asiknya data analysis. Seneng sih, and I know that all of this will worth at the end. Hopefully I could maintain my current position til the end.
Sambil belajar gini nih sambil nerawang mikir-mikir kehidupan selama di Lancaster ini. Pagi bangun lecture, meet some friends, mengamati orang banyak, merasakan sibuknya dan hidupnya universitas sebagai tempat belajar. Yap karna gw tinggal di kampus, berasa banget study environment nya, dengan bertambahnya jumlah week yang dilalui aura para students menjadi semakin gelap dan keramaian library semakin bertambah, HAHAHA.
Lanjut, ya lectures, tutorial, review, belajar, main, belanja bulanan sambil main2 kekota, masak masak sendiri makan makan sendiri cuci piring sendiri. Laundry baju yang malesin banget, vacuum kamar apalagi (hehe maaf ya emang gw males banget anaknya) Tapi satu hal yang gw senangi disini. Dimana kita diberi banyak kesempatan untuk meet unexpected ppl dan ended up at smthg nice. Sesuatu yang simple banget, short conversation sama officer yang bersihin kitchen misalnya. cuma ngomongin "hi there" "how are you today" "yeah i'm good" "see you later" "bye now"
Tapi ternyata hal-hal kecil itu yang bikin berarti disini. Ketemu temen yang udah lama gak contact di bus sainsburys, atau kenalan sama orang baru disana gara2 nanya satu/dua pertanyaan. Kenal orang baru di library juga. Ketemu flatmates dan cerita2 dikit. Ambil parcel di porter dan ketemu sama Om Porter yang baik hati. Sampai kenalan sama temen baru waktu dingin-dingin nunggu fire alarm di building flat gw. Jadi calo text books, dan banyak lainnya hahahah
Disini gw gak punya satu teman dekat yang ngikut bareng gw kemana-mana. Tapi karna ini juga gw lebih bisa terbuka dengan orang banyak. Most of the time gw jalan sendiri bolak balik lecture,tapi ini juga yang membuat gw punya banyak teman. Gak ragu buat kenalan dan memperluas koneksi. Sampai gw sadar, oh iyah itu yang gw senengin disini. Gak ada halangan untuk gw mengenal orang baru. Dari aktivitas sehari-hari memungkinkan gw untuk banyak belajar banget. Ketemu banyak orang yang beda2, menyesuaikan diri di tempat yang berbeda-beda, getting out of your comfort zone banget deh pokoknya. Jadi mandiri, gak manja, tapi tetap selalu belajar dan tetap being happy pastinya!!!
So yeah 3 bulan ini bisa gw conclude dalam 2 kata: HAPPY dan GRATEFUL
Gw happy dengan keadaan gw dan apa aja yang gw lalui 4 bulan terakhir ini. And I'm sincerely very very grateful for that.
Masih banyak hal yang gak bisa gw sebutin satu-persatu, dan mungkin kalian yang baca post ini adalah salah satu orang yang mengisi hari gw dan orang yang gw banyak belajar dari (bener gak nih bahasanya? hahah) Tapi yah, begitulah, banyak banget hal yang terjadi akhir2 ini. Tahun ini dalam 2 bulan aja gw mengenal banyak banget orang baru dan dari itu banyak belajar. Can't help to be amazed by every single one of them (or you!)
Anyway, gw harus berhenti dulu karna tangan sudah mulai pegel ngetik ini padahal essay aja belum banyak direvisi! hahah batere laptop juga tinggal 50% pula
Have a good day people! Enjoy your days before 2014 end real soon
sending my best regards to you all
Halow semuanya yang membaca entah sengaja atau tidak ngebaca post ini, hehe
Gak terasa ya penghujung November udah didepan mata. Kapan terakhir kali saya cerita disini? Oh sebelum liburan summer! hahahah.
Yap yap hari ini udah penghujung Michaelmas Term ketiga di Lancaster (cepet banget ya Tuhan). Sudah kembali lagi ke Lancaster. Kembali belajar, mengajar, dan terus menjalani hari-hari sebagai student biasa hahah.
Recap dari awal aja kali ya. Thank God I had a great summer holiday this year! My second summer holiday, and this one is much better compare to last year's (as I remembered)
Back in Lancaster, as the new academic year starts, as usual here comes my turn to know A LOT of new people and be friends with them. This year there are larger number of Indonesian students who come compare to previous years. Most of them are postgrad students, coming from different backgrounds, different cities, and carrying different stories til being led to spend a year/years in Lancaster.
My first agenda after coming back to the UK is arranging PPI Lancaster's first meeting. And oh yeah I went to Iceland for 5 days the week before! I'm not gonna talk about it but overall this first trip without family is GREAT hehe
Anyway, yeap back to the first meetings. Greeted a lot of new people, remembering new faces and new names. And another thank God I was elected as the president of Indonesian Society this year! hahah
Udah cukup bahasa inggrisnya yah
Haha iya lanjut, jujur personally seneng dengan tanggung jawab ini. Tapi juga yang selalu gw inget dari ucapannya Kak Haikal. Jabatan itu amanah. Tanggung jawab. Orang banyak (dan gw sebenernya dulu juga) meremehkan arti sebuah jabatan/menganggap enteng itu sebagai sebuah advatage. Padahal ya kalau dipikir lagi enggak. Kita memang udah 'menang' dalam mendapatkan jabatan ini, tapi dengan itu juga tantangan kita dimulai untuk menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk dikenal dan diingat sebagai pemimpin yang tidak gagal.
And I wanna be that kind of person. Gw gak mau dianggep sebagai ketua yang gak ngapa-ngapain in the upcoming years. Gw mau, walaupun performance gw mungkin gak bagus2 amat nantinya. I'll try my best for now. Gw selalu memegang prinsip Kak Haikal dalam memimpin. Pemimpin itu mendengarkan, pemimpin itu melayani.
Bersyukur banget juga dalam 2 bulan terakhir ini tugas ini yang gw emban masih berjalan dengan lancar. Report yang gw buat thank God menang 5th position di PPI cabang of the year nya PPI UK dan adalah satu2nya PPI kecil yang menang. Acara bulan November kemarin, bowling ke Morecambe juga berjalan lancar dan sukses meng-cover biaya bus, biaya makan, dan biaya bowling anak2 yang ikutan. Latihan saman juga udah mulai lagi, ini minggu kedua. Semua yang gw sebutkan tadi adalah goal gw, dan bersyukur banget so far semuanya bisa terpenuhi. Ini juga bukan sepenuhnya hasil kerja gw, tapi tentu juga dari semua temen2 PPI Lancaster yang selalu terbuka dan supportive banget.
Anak-anaknya juga tahun ini gak kalah seru. Cowo-cowonya dengan sukarela doing the dishes (cuci piring) tanpa disuruh (ini nih yang bikin bahagia :') ) dan juga kocak2 dan asik2 banget.
Lanjut dengan hidup gw. Hmm yah beginilah, sekarang gw lagi di library. Niat belajar ACF, dan melanjutkan progress report Project Management. Still 2 tests and 1 deadline left unti december before christmas break. Yang bikin gw happy juga, tahun ini gw jauh lebih organised banget. I've successfully conquered what I used to dislike. Getting used to my marketing lecturer's unique accent, mencoba mendengarkan lecture statistics dan AKHIRNYA bisa mengerti asiknya data analysis. Seneng sih, and I know that all of this will worth at the end. Hopefully I could maintain my current position til the end.
Sambil belajar gini nih sambil nerawang mikir-mikir kehidupan selama di Lancaster ini. Pagi bangun lecture, meet some friends, mengamati orang banyak, merasakan sibuknya dan hidupnya universitas sebagai tempat belajar. Yap karna gw tinggal di kampus, berasa banget study environment nya, dengan bertambahnya jumlah week yang dilalui aura para students menjadi semakin gelap dan keramaian library semakin bertambah, HAHAHA.
Lanjut, ya lectures, tutorial, review, belajar, main, belanja bulanan sambil main2 kekota, masak masak sendiri makan makan sendiri cuci piring sendiri. Laundry baju yang malesin banget, vacuum kamar apalagi (hehe maaf ya emang gw males banget anaknya) Tapi satu hal yang gw senangi disini. Dimana kita diberi banyak kesempatan untuk meet unexpected ppl dan ended up at smthg nice. Sesuatu yang simple banget, short conversation sama officer yang bersihin kitchen misalnya. cuma ngomongin "hi there" "how are you today" "yeah i'm good" "see you later" "bye now"
Tapi ternyata hal-hal kecil itu yang bikin berarti disini. Ketemu temen yang udah lama gak contact di bus sainsburys, atau kenalan sama orang baru disana gara2 nanya satu/dua pertanyaan. Kenal orang baru di library juga. Ketemu flatmates dan cerita2 dikit. Ambil parcel di porter dan ketemu sama Om Porter yang baik hati. Sampai kenalan sama temen baru waktu dingin-dingin nunggu fire alarm di building flat gw. Jadi calo text books, dan banyak lainnya hahahah
Disini gw gak punya satu teman dekat yang ngikut bareng gw kemana-mana. Tapi karna ini juga gw lebih bisa terbuka dengan orang banyak. Most of the time gw jalan sendiri bolak balik lecture,tapi ini juga yang membuat gw punya banyak teman. Gak ragu buat kenalan dan memperluas koneksi. Sampai gw sadar, oh iyah itu yang gw senengin disini. Gak ada halangan untuk gw mengenal orang baru. Dari aktivitas sehari-hari memungkinkan gw untuk banyak belajar banget. Ketemu banyak orang yang beda2, menyesuaikan diri di tempat yang berbeda-beda, getting out of your comfort zone banget deh pokoknya. Jadi mandiri, gak manja, tapi tetap selalu belajar dan tetap being happy pastinya!!!
So yeah 3 bulan ini bisa gw conclude dalam 2 kata: HAPPY dan GRATEFUL
Gw happy dengan keadaan gw dan apa aja yang gw lalui 4 bulan terakhir ini. And I'm sincerely very very grateful for that.
Masih banyak hal yang gak bisa gw sebutin satu-persatu, dan mungkin kalian yang baca post ini adalah salah satu orang yang mengisi hari gw dan orang yang gw banyak belajar dari (bener gak nih bahasanya? hahah) Tapi yah, begitulah, banyak banget hal yang terjadi akhir2 ini. Tahun ini dalam 2 bulan aja gw mengenal banyak banget orang baru dan dari itu banyak belajar. Can't help to be amazed by every single one of them (or you!)
Anyway, gw harus berhenti dulu karna tangan sudah mulai pegel ngetik ini padahal essay aja belum banyak direvisi! hahah batere laptop juga tinggal 50% pula
Have a good day people! Enjoy your days before 2014 end real soon
sending my best regards to you all
Friday, 15 August 2014
Despite o the many number of album released
in 2014. I’ve been keeping an eye on one, which is coming from my favorite
group: JYJ that is released on the 29th of July.
To begin with,
earlier in the year, I kept an eye on kpop news and knew that Taeyang just
released his second solo album. Used to be a fan of Big Bang (not anymore), I
thought the album would be using the same genre as one that Taeyang and Big
Bang’s has been using before, something around hip hop, something swag, catchy
like Ringa Linga, etc. Didn’t feel
excited at all at first, then unconsciously opened BIG BANG OFFICIAL’s video that
just uploaded Taeyang and GD’s perform of Stay
With Me. And wow! Just from the first encounter to the song, it got stuck
on my head til the rest of the day. I started listening to the rest of the
album and of course the first single, Eye
Nose Lips and yeah I’m really really amused after listening to the whole
album. Right before the album released, I’ve been so bored with Big Bang,
Taeyang and GD’s music genre and even express it on a youtube’s comment. Then
dasshh now Taeyang made a come back with a perfect kind of music that I’m
really looking forward from him. Beside the hit which is Eye Nose Lips, my favorite tracks from this album are Stay With Me, 1AM which are really
refreshing, and 이 게 아 닌 데 which is a really good ballad song; match perfectly
with Taeyang’s smooth vocal. Other tracks are well deserved to be listened as
well. There’s a song that is featuring CL too. Taeyang offering different kind
of songs in this album, starting from the to sing-a-long one, refreshing one,
until still the swag-one and almost all are easy listening. This album
satisfied me a lot by bringing him back to sing pop ballad like the old days.
Rate: 4/5
Secondly, my second best
album in 2014 by far went to G.O.D.!!!
As everyone knows, issue about the comeback of G.O.D.
has been blown away since a while ago, and from watching some variety show,
live perform and immortal songs, I get to learn about some G.O.D members: Son Ho Young, Kim Tae Woo and Dahny Ahn; being followed by googling
about their history and watched some vids of the 3 of them recalling back to
G.O.D time back then. I have several Kim
Tae Woo-Son Ho Young vids performing together, which are still in my
favorite playlist until now. My favorites are Dahny Ahn and Son Ho Young, then
later being followed by Dahny Ahn as one of my favorite rapper in kpop industry.
Well, back to G.O.D.
comeback, I always kept an eye on their comeback news. Staring to be excited as
well. Their first comeback single The
Lone Duckling is literally awesome for me, followed by Sky Blue Promise that is really touching, and last the catchy one Saturday night.
Went on browsing few days
ago and found that JYJ and G.O.D. album are in the top charts. As a new fan of
G.O.D but hasn’t had a chance to download the full album since I’ve been back in
Jakarta around that time, finally yesterday I downloaded all of the album’s
tracks and watched the MVs. And yes, again I was not being disappointed. From
The first time of listening, I literally fell in love with almost all of the
songs. The ballads are touching, the kinda up beat songs are fun and good to
listen for anytime of the day.
I watched some of the
fancam vids of the concert as well. Almost tearing up of sadness and happiness
watching them are being reunited. Ho
Young, Tae Woo, Dahny, Kye Sang and Ahjussi
Joon performed a really good show in spite of their age (esp ahjussi Joon)
and in spite of the 9 years leaving the industry as a group too.
Some of my favorite tracks
are 보 통 날, 난 좋 아, 우 리 가
시 는 이 야 기, 노 래 볼 러 줘 요 (feat 아 이 유), and Smile.
Some songs are fun, you can listen to the happiness from the 5 of them who are
singing together directly from the song. And the ballad songs are literally a
piece of masterpiece. 노 래 볼 러 줘 요 (feat 아 이 유) that is featuring IU is a really easy listening
song for me. IU’s beautiful vocal matches perfectly with Hoyoung, Taewoo’s
vocal and Dahny, Kyesang, ahjussi Joon’s rap. Their laughter makes the song
become sounds even better.
Other than that, the song’s
lyric in this album is very beautiful as well in my opinion. Starting from Sky Blue Promise that is telling story
about their promise, they’re sorry to finally make a comeback as 5 until this
late. Continued by The Lone Duckling
about up and down in life. 우 리 가 시 는 이 야 기 that is telling a story about family and
unaffectionate love. 난 좋 아 and
Smile: story about love, then
continue with보 통 날
which is telling about the recovery after break up story. Saturday Night as another title track from this album is fun, make
us sing and dance along but still the lyrics have something, telling how you
should have fun and release stress for at least a day once in a while in life.
I don’t usually search for
song’s English translation lyrics cause when I do, most of Korean songs doesn’t
have a really good and beautiful lyrics that can get me the meaning and the
scent to the song. But different case with this album, when I read the lyrics
once, I get to understand the story, and appreciate the beauty of the lyrics
and it ended up leaving a mark/scent to me from every single songs. Even the
lyrics of rap is still ‘something’ and even from a happy quirky song like Saturday Night, I was quite awed to be
able to fall to this song by knowing the meaning of the song just from 2 paragraphs
of lyrics. Many of the idol music’s nowadays are just catchy and good to hear
but not to be understood. Other artist’s ballad songs may have good meaningful
lyrics as well I appreciate that. But G.O.D’s lyric in this album is in a
different level for me. Its charm was beautifully and sincerely written and
being passed out to me.
Other than usual tracks, 1
medley and 2 instrumental tracks is included in this album. One called 5+4+1+5=15 is a kind of medley of their
previous songs I guess.
I’m personally really
curious about who is the writer of each songs, cause I really like the lyrics
of the songs in this album (even like it more than JYJ’s) especially a track: Smile which is my most favorite above
Overall, although I’m just
a new fan of G.O.D. and not really following them from the beginning, but still
from listening to it from the first time I found that their music is just definitely
my style. A good music that is sincere, deep, and fun all at the same time. In
spite of Kim Taewoo’s dominant vocal
in almost every song, I still could enjoy the whole album as G.O.D, which is
consisted of Taaewoo’s strong vocal, Hoyoung’s smooth voice and enjoyable rap,
and Kyesang, Dahny and ahjussi Joon remarkable rap & vocal. Two thumbs up
for G.O.D., now I know how they can become that big back in the time when they
were still active 15-9 years ago. Two words from me, G.O.D’s music especially
this album is simply beautiful.
Rate: 5/5
Third one: freshly released
on July 29th, JYJ 2nd full length album after 3 years:
Since becoming a fan of TVXQ5 and JYJ for a while
nowadays, of course I’ve always been waiting for their comeback, and now the
time has come!!
The album is released on
the 29th, and I was on vacation at HK around that time. Have never
thought about buying the album directly before, then few days before the
release I asked my friend if there is a place in HK where I can buy a Korean
album. On the 30th of July, this friend; who is a native HKnese and
me hung out tgt and she brought me to the place where she usually bought EXO
and SHINee albums. And yeah I found the album in there with a very fair price
just a day after the release!! (HK$175).
I went back home to Jakarta
with a glad heart by bringing that album along with me. Opened the cover and
the photo book, even the opening is really ‘grand’ and all photos in there are
just simply amazing.
Continue to burn the CD to
my laptop and started to listen to it. I also searched for the English
translation of each songs, and that makes me to become even more in love with
each songs.
Starting from their chosen
promoted song back seat; an urban
R&B hip hop song (whatever genre it is). As a fan I literally fell directly
to the song, well I don’t know with anybody else but so far I’m still satisfied
with the song that contain all of the member’s strong vocal as a chosen track
title of the album
The other songs are
literally awesome I could say. Jaejoong write the lyrics of 4 songsout of 13,
Junsu composed the lyrics for LETTING GO,
and Yoochun also write and compose his own solo song and write for a song,
which is dedicated to his dad. Each member has a solo song, which is -3 in
total, while the other 10 has 3 of them in each.
Junsu’s solo song 7 살, a typical smooth ballad song that is just
perfectly match with Junsu’s vocal, telling a different form of love we have as
human growing up and so the love changes as well. Also, telling how we wish all
of us could have a sincere love just like the one we had back in the younger
olden days.
Yoochun’s solo track: 서 른 (30s/Lazy
Life). A sincere honest reflection of Yoochun’s feeling. How he’s doing his
life nowadays, meeting members that he himself can’t deny to meet, and even
brought up Junsu’s remarkable laugh eu
kyang kyang into the paragraph of rap lyrics. At the ending phrase Yoochun
doesn’t forget his brother as well, Yoohwan and talking about the future army
life too. The track is my first favorite song in the album cause I listened to
this song firstly as being recommended by my sister. I love Yoochun’s rap skill
in this song. The sincere lyrics, the good rhythm of the rap, and in the chorus:
the smooth vocal of Park Yoochun is back to be shown. My favorite phrases from
the lyrics are the chorus and one at the end of the song #The memories that feel like the wind on my fingers, I realized how
precious they are. If you live as you take in each moment, life is more than
ever you think
#Maybe this is what life is all about. Maybe everyone
is looking for happiness.
No matter how much you prepare, you can never be fully
prepared for life
Jaejoong’s solo track Dear J is still a bit rocking in his own
way but is easy listening as well on the other side, and still a remarkable Kim
Jaejoong’s song that is fully show his independent character and mark.
Some songs are still
talking about love in general and broken hearted story like SO SO, BaBoBoy, LETTING GO, 새 벽 두
시 반, LET ME SEE. However, how JYJ make each the lyrics is somehow quite different with
others. They produce a more honest music in here. Like in BaBoBoy that is telling about man that is being seduced by woman,
and saying realistically ‘that’s how man are (being a man)’. SO SO and 새 벽 두 시 반
as well, telling about regrets, love and breaking up but in different frames.
In새 벽
두 시 반 it is using time which is
mainly around 2AM in the morning to illustrate the feeling around that time
after breaking up. Dad, you there? lyrics is very touching as well. Beautifully written by Yoochun in every phrases of the lyrics. And another unique lyrics can be found in Jaejoong's solo track dear J. I like the lyrics despite of the unique story about Angelina Jolie in Jaejoong's dream (lol). The melody and lyrics is great, as can be expected from Kim Jaejoong
I love how each of the solo
songs with its lyrics match perfectly with each of them and their own
individual’s characters. Just like the title of the album. Songs in this album
doesn’t have any concept or chosen genre. It is simply consisted of songs that
the 3 of them have and present it back to the fans after this while.
Some other favorite tracks
of mine are SO SO, 새 벽 두
시 반, BaBoBoy
and creation. Well, all 13 tracks are
my favorite though to be honest hahaha, just especially like Jaejoong, Junsu
and Yoochun’s vocal in those chosen songs.
Next, their full English
song that is being produced in LA, Valentine
is surprisingly a good one for me personally –even though is not my favorite.
But remembering their previous English songs, I never specially like any of it
and will not like it right from the first encounter. For this album, I found Valentine as something quite catchy, despite the simple lyrics and the
repeated rhythm of the song. I like how the three members still pointing out
their vocal just likes in other songs. I like their vocal in this song in spite
of the chorus. For each one of them; Junsu with the phrase of “baby I ain’t
gonna fake and ya heart ain’t gonna break if you come with me” and Yoochun’s
tone in singing the phrase “I need you, can’t get enough, I wanna spend every
minute with you”. Their English has been improved –a lot too, compare to their
English song debut 4 years ago. So yeah, although I’m least expecting in this
song, it’s not disappointing at all even though usually I wouldn’t like their
English title song.
And also the last one, a
track called Dad, you there? Lyrics written
by Yoochun, and even when I haven’t looked at the lyrics, I could feel the soul
of this song and being wowed by their vocal ability in this song.
On the showcase JYJ has
performed SO SO, BaBoBoy and Backseat live and I have watched the fan
cam vids. They still did amazingly in every performance, although the dance of
JYJ is simple, but that’s the art of JYJ’s music I guess. I don’t really care
about the level of the dance, as long as they could perform well in every songs
and enjoying it as much as we do, that’s all enough for me as a fan.
It is not that I am a fan
of JYJ I could be totally bias to every JYJ’s songs. I listened to the previous
album, and didn’t like every single of the songs in In Heaven and Their Room album.
Some tracks on the playlist are just left rarely being played by me. I could
say this honestly –I like most of JYJ’s songs but not all. However, in this
album, I just fell to every tracks cause every song are different –have its own
charm in every song, has different strength in every song. Every song has its
soul and honestly showed member’s true character. And yeah, I’ll give 5/5 for
this album
[updated] Just watched the fancam of their concert and just like my expectation, JYJ's concert will never disappoint me until this far. My favorite performances are so so and dad, you there?
Before watching I'm most curious about Jae's and Yoochun's solo perform with dear J and 서른; especially Yoochun's. And yeah they sing it all live, Yoochun did it awesomely with a bonus of Junsu's live laughter and Jae also who's singing wearing white shirt all unbuttoned (yes, if you're curious how does it look like, please check! lol)
Other songs like letting go, valentine, baboboy, backseat pointing out the dance while in the other left like let me see, creation, dad you there, we're asked to concentrate on their awesome live ballad performance.
Old songs are being brought as well like in heaven, found you, empty, get out, fallen leaves, be my girl, etc I especially like the cheer of fans at those old songs that never fade, making it not complete without interacting with the fan's cheer at some part of those songs.
The concert is literally awesome, the place is huge: Jamsil Outdoor Stadium; same venue as G.O.D's anniversary concert which is amazing as well.
That's all for now. Have a good day everyone!
best regards,
Thursday, 29 May 2014
end of May 2014
Gak berasa waktu jalan cepet banget. Rasanya baru kemarin Oktober 13. Pindah ke C15 Slaidburn House, ketemu Jocelyn sama Faith di koridor flat. Kenalan sama flatmates baru yang beruntung banget adalah orang yang sangat-sangat baik. Michaelmas term, masih males-malesan, christmas break, new year, balik lent term, males-malesan lagi sambil stress dikit, easter break, dan taraa sekarang udah mau end of first year ajah.
Flashback setahun first year ini, beruntung ketemu temen-temen baru yang baik-baik, walau gak bertambah banyak. Mulai dari flatmates, kebetulan satu flat sama beberapa kenalan di foundation. Tyler dari Taiwan sama Naim dari Malay. Sama-sama di Management School and we're doing some modules together. Bisa sharing, bantu belajar, nyambung dan nambah wawasan banget ngobrol sama orang-orang ini!
Ada juga Faith sama Ese. 2 cewe dari Nigeria dan Ghana, yang tinggal di London. Faith is studying medicine while Ese yang kentel bgt english accent nya, is doing law. Ditambah Jocelyn, cewe HK yang nyambung bgt ngorbol sama gw sampe udah gak ngerti lagi, hahahah, tiap sore gw gangguin dia masak, ngobrol ini itu sampe keujung-ujung, sampe akan ke iceland bareng oktober nanti! haha. Sisanya walau gak gitu deket, juga baik-baik, ada Islam yg belajar melulu, dan Chester, cowo China yang penuh misteri. hahah.
Di flat aja udah asik, lanjut dengan teman-teman sekelas. Banyak dapet temen baru dari tutorial. Amy, cewe HK baik, se team management, pinter pula. Kriti, cewe India yang selevel nilai-nilainya sama gw (HAHAHA) yg enak diajak ngobrol juga. Ada lagi Betty juga, cewe China yang pinter. Di msci 102, juga kenalan sama cewe Amrik, Toyin. Di management group, juga beruntung banget banget dapet group mates yang super oke. Amelia, cewe Cumbria yang hardworking, Adam cowo London yang super fine, York yang sangat simple, dan Amy, cewe HK cs-an gw, hahah. 23 weeks satu group bareng. Mulai dari discussion, presentation, research project. Group meeting di grizedale 6 jem sampe jem 1 pagi. Orang-orang ini keren banget. Ngebantu banyak banget, sampe di akhir kita dapet A+ for the presentation and now being nominated as the best presentation project group! Kurang keren apa coba, hahaah. Walaupun Amelia sm Adam org local yg beda sama kita yang adalah international students. Mereka baik, dan fair enough sekali sama kita, two thumbs up!!
Lanjut, selain temen, di uni juga ketemu banyak lecturer dan tutor-tutor keren. Mulai dari lecturer ACF yang udah sangat berpengalaman, mantan Executive Manager Shell German, dan sekarang ngajar di Glasgow Uni, salah satu uni di Germany, dan Lancaster. Tutor ACF juga keren banget, namanya Noor Hashim. Noor masih muda, dia berasal dari Saudi Arabia, pake hijab, dan kayaknya baru menyelesaikan study phd di Uni of Manchester. Gw kagum sama Noor yang walaupun pake hijab, tapi dia tetep modern, knowledegeable, dan bisa catch up sama educational career disini, jadi teaching staff pula. Gw salut banget sama Noor, mungkin karna biasa gw cuma pernah liat cewe-cewe Saudi Arabia yang married muda, ikut suami dll kali ya, hehe. Lanjut, lecture ECON 100 juga keren-keren. Dari Dr Caroline dan Thomas yang ngajarnya enak, sampe Prof Ian dan Prof Gerald yang super brilliant otaknya gak-ngerti-lagi. Tutor econ gw juga amazing nih. Namanya Colin Mang. Cowo Canada in his mid 20s, doing econ PHD, aktif banget banget di kegiatan kampus dan department, olahraga fencing dan sailing, ngajar puluhan tutorial every weeks, masih jalanin phd research nya, tapi juga tetep eksis clubbing tiap weekend. Gila gak sih satu orang bisa ngelakuin itu semua?!! Colin ini jenius banget banget. Ngajarnya enaaaak banget, bikin gw ngerti dalam sekejap, pinternya gak ketolongan. One of those few geniuses I've ever met in life!!!
Msci 102 lecturer nya juga oke-oke, mulai yang dari ngomong kayak bisik-bisik, sampe yang seru ngebahas study case. MNGT 120 juga oke, lecturernya mulai dari China, Pakistan, sampe locals. Tiap minggu yang bawa lecture accent dan gaya ngajarnya beda-beda, hahahha. Tutor group gw juga baik banget, Mahnaz namanya; a very lovely person she is, indeed. Last, MSCI 110 juga ngajarin banyak hal, sampai bikin gw ngongkrong di lab comp A8 engineering building berhari-hari, ke lab jem 1 pagi one day before deadline (dan rame, yang lain juga pada ngejar deadline! hahahah) dan lainnya
Di uni ini beda banget sama prev educational life gw. Belajar banyak banget hal baru, walaupun belajar beberapa repeated modules like econ, accounting, and some other stuffs. Disini kita melihat dari sisi yang lebih luas. Di lecture dikasih teorinya, di tutorial dikasih practice in real life nya. Yang ngajar, berbagai orang dari beda-beda nationalities. Different accent, different way of teaching, different topics yang dibawain. Coursework juga udah gak main-main lagi, coursework bener-bener useful dan berguna di real life. Banyak pengalaman baru didapatkan, mulai dari attend lecture populer yang super rame dengan muka-muka familiar (temen foundation) sampe dateng lecture yang mostly boring sehingga cuma dikit bangeeet org yang dateng (kasian lecturer nya hahah). Tutorial jem 9 pagi, computer workshop, kumpul tugas pagi-pagi ke management school, disana ketemu temen-temen lo yang juga masih dengan muka kurang tidur, aahahah. Group meeting, dealing with ppl from different nationalities. It looks simple, but actually you have a lot to learn from it.
Kayak balik ke flatmates. Di kitchen kita sering ketemu, mulai dari ngobrol basa-basi, ternyata nyambung dan discuss beberapa topic. Flatmates gw ada orang Nigeria, Ghana, Malaysia, Taiwan, HK, dan gw Indo. We're talking about politics, colonialism, culture, ppl til some random facts about our own country. We listen to each other, sharing knowledge with each other. Ada yang belajar medicine, law, accounting, marketing, dan gw business management. Kita jadi melihat persoalaan gak cuma dari satu sudut pandang lagi secara gak langsung dengan discussion kayak gini (asik banget bahasanya! hahaha) well but that's true. and believe me, it's a real precious experience that you can hardly ever get.
Kemarin seorang kenalan nanya sama gw. "Gimana sekolah di UK? Enak gak?" banyak banget orang yang study keluar negeri, dengan motif yang beda-beda. Kalau diakalangan temen-temen gw, ada yang buat gaya-gayaan, ada yang buat nama, ada yang ngejar ilmu, adapun juga yang memang cuma suka tinggal di negaranya. Banyak juga yang tadinya mau, gak jadi keluar negeri karna takut, takut tinggal sendiri, takut dirasis-in (this is one of the most ridiculous answer ive ever heard), takut pelajaran susah. Well, that's the challenge from studying abroad. Harus mandiri, independent, dan bisa gak bisa, gak peduli berapa banyak duit yang lo punya disini, apapun etnis lo, apapun nationality lo, saat lo study abroad especially di tempat yang sangat baru dan berbeda dengan hidup&lingkungan lo biasanya. Lo belajar banyak banget dari situ. Mungkin lo merasa kesusahan, encounter some difficulties. well that happens. unfortunate things happens, so does shits as well hahaha. Tapi sisanya adalah kejadian-kejadian baik, unik, baru yang memberi lo banyak pelajaran, yang gak akan lo bisa dapet dimanapun tempat lainnya. Coba aja compare student biasa sama international student. Kita punya banyak banget perbedaan hahah. (kayak gw yg punya hidden talent: kemampuan mencari tiket pesawat paling murah hahahaha)
Intinya, tentu ada kesusahannya study abroad, tapi menurut gw, itu worth it kok, setimpal dengan ilmu dan experience yang lu dapet disini, if u really do what you need to do properly in here. Uang yang dikeluarin banyak, tapi ilmu dan pengalaman yang lo dapet juga banyak banget.
Kayak gw, kuliah di Lancaster gak gampang. Dulu gw milih disini seenak-enaknya karna ranking nya bagus. Marketing first in the UK, acc&finance second best in the uk dan management school nya one of the best in the UK. Gw bangga banget, beh bangga banget, tapi sekarang baru gw rasain dan ngerti. Dari mana semua ranking itu bisa didapatkan university ini, pelajarannya susah woiii!!! Lecturer nya keren-keren, coursework nya practical banget dan useful banget. Ilmunya pun fully prepared.
Gw bayar mahal disini, emang susah belajarnya, sampe mau nangis tiap malem rasanya ahah, tapi ya itu challenge yang gw dapatkan. It's not easy, tapi saat down, gw selalu coba throw back lagi kayak sekarang.. Inget-inget apa aja yang gw dapet selain ilmu disini. I gained a lot beside those educational thingy by living in here for the last 2 years.
Gw adalah tipe orang yang suka ngamatin orang (beda tipis sama kepo dan hobby stalking hahah) dari orang-orang disekitar yg gw amatin aja gw belajar banyak, kayak anak-anak undergrad temen Malaysia gw disini. Mostly adalah anak-anak orang kaya, yg punya background family dan educational life yang sangat tinggi (dan mostly karna tuntutan). Gw tau soal mereka dari bersosialisasi yang adalah keharusan, dari situ gw dapet banyak knowledge tentang orang-orang dari negara lain tanpa sadar. Bisa nilai mereka dan ambil point2 baiknya, tau banyak info yang beberapa gak tertulis di buku, tanpa harus baca buku. That's the point. Dari berteman aja lo udah nambah banyak ilmu tentang negara temen-temen lo. Apalagi saat lo ngobrol banyak sama mereka, bertukar pikiran. About Malaysia or HK misalnya. Biasa kita nge judge their ppl or their countrys's condition dari satu sisi doang, dari berita yang ada di BBC doang, tapi disini, lo ketemu mereka langsung, lo denger opini mereka yg tentu aja berbeda dan itu bisa merubah atau at least meluaskan sudut pandang lo dalam menanggapi sesuatu. Sama juga kita kepada orang lain, kita juga ngomongin tentang negara kita sendiri, kasih tau beberapa budaya kita, Indonesia negara nya kayak apa, orang-orang nya kayak apa, change ppl's perception about Indonesia, apalagi kalau bbrp presepsi tsbt adalah presepsi yg kurang benar.
Banyak orang pikir kita study abroad, make friends with foreign ppl for business connection or anything. Well im still not sure about that and it sounds a little bit like bullshit for me. Gw gak berharap banyak utk punya long lasting friendship dengan banyak orang-orang disini. Memang dgn beberapa kita deket banget hingga bisa membangun koneksi. Tapi keuntungan gak dari itu aja, dari yang gak gitu deket juga, dari kita bergaul sama mereka, ngobrol sama mereka, kita jadi tau fact-fact asik dan knowledge2 itu. Seperti yang gw jelaskan sebelumnya
Next, part of life in Lancaster yang gw suka disini adalah juga orang-orang Indonya. Disini gw ketemu orang-orang yang beda banget dengan orang-orang yang biasa sepergaulan gw di SMA or SMP. Mulai dari orang-orang muda yang smart, berwawasan dan hardworking. Merantau di negeri orang by scholarship from the government, world bank, dan lain-lain. 2 tahun, 2 batch postgrad stdt indo gw kenal disini. Some of the postgrad students are here by scholarships. Mulai dari pertamina, world bank, dikti, UI, Unpad, Chevening, dll. Beberapa orang yang ambil Phd, adalah lecturer di UI, Unpad, UPI, UGM, Universitas Muhhamadiah Surakarta, dll. Ada juga yang journalist, ada juga yang berkarir di Pertamina dan law firm. Bayangin aja gw yang adalah anak sma doang, diusia 17 tahun ketemu orang-orang seperti ini (jadi terkagum-kagum deh). It's a whole new world for me. Orang orang ini kesini bukan uang orang tua, beberapa bayar puluhan ribu pounds untuk S2 dari hasil nabung gaji bertahun-tahun, beberapa lainnya menunggu 2-3 tahun untuk dapet beasiswa dikti, lpdp dan lainnya hingga sampai ke UK. Beberapa harus membawa suami/istri bahkan anak-anaknya untuk beradaptasi di negeri orang, jauh dari keluarga, demi mengemban pendidikan disini. Dari orang-orang Indo disini, mata gw terbuka luas banget. Di Jakarta gw hidup stuck di satu group masyarakat, disini gw bisa melihat dari sisi group bagian masyarakat lainnya. Gw kagum banget sama beberapa orang-orang ini. Di Lancaster Uni juga ada 4 dosen tetap orang Indo. Pak Anto, Pak Dahny, Mbak Sandra dan Pak Stefan. Pak Anto deh contohnya, 10 tahun S2 dan S3 di Belanda, dari bujangan, sampe nikah, dan sampe punya anak di Maastricht. Lalu pindah ke UK, sekarang jadi lecturer disini, bersama istri dan anaknya Ilham, yang bahasa inggrisnya british abis dan jauh lebih bagus dari bahasa indonesianya. Gak mudah buat mereka hidup bertahun-tahun jauh dari keluarga besar di Indonesia. Dan dari satu acara makan siang sambil ngobrol-ngobrol aja, jadi banyak tau dan belajar dari pengalam yang disharing oleh mereka.
Buat gw yang datang dari background dari mereka, pertama gw belajar melihat dari sudut pandang lain, gak cuma stuck kayak waktu di Jakarta, kedua, most of them are a very educated and educational ppl, dari ngobrol2 aja lo dapet banyak new knowledge, dan terakhir, dari pengalaman-pengalaman hidup mereka, mulai dari susahnya buat nyampe UK, hingga difficulties yang mereka dapatkan disini. They are a very very friendly and humble people. Welcome banget sama semua orang. Disini kita sama-sama orang Indonesia, satu bahasa, satu kampung halaman. Gak perduli etnis, gak perduli status, as long as we can get along well w/ each other, kita belajar banyak dari satu sama lain. Gak gampang ketemu orang-orang seperti ini di kota lain in the UK apalagi di Indonesia. Beruntung karna Lancaster kota yang kecil dan sangat lah kental dengan educational life, gw bisa berada di lingkungan seperti ini.
Gak cuman dari mahasiswa postgrad gw belajar, tapi juga dari anak-anak undergrad disini, Andriana, Bari, kita dateng dari background yang beda-beda. Kayak lo pertama ospek kuliah deh, ketemu temen2 dari SMA lain, tapi lo cuma temenan sama orang-orang yang satu etnis dan satu lifestyle kan sama lo. Di Indo kita terpisahkan sama batas yang gak terlihat between people. Gw juga di indo gak gaul sama orang-orang indo, justru karna disini doang gw bisa deket sama orang-orang kayak mereka. Dan so far itu membawa efek yang baik kok, gw belajar banyak dari mereka, bertukar knowledge, dan bisa melihat dari satu sudut pandang baru yg berbeda.
Kalau kalian gak setuju sama gw, kesampingin lah soal orang-orang indo kayak gini. I know it's not easy to meet these kind of ppl, that's why I count myself to be lucky. Tapi kalau ditanya apakah gw akan nyesel kalau gak belajar keluar negeri? melihat kondisin sekarang, gw akan jawab iya.
Kemarin gw ngobrol-ngorbol sama temen SMA, dan baru diceritain betapa bebasnya mantan temen-temen sekelas gw itu sekarang di kuliah. Seks bebas, gaya hidup yang sangat konsumtif, hidup dengan gengsi, dan sinis-sinisan, sirik-sirikan berantem antar temen udah kayak anak SD. Terutama di bagian seks bebas, gw kaget banget denger itu semua, miris dengernya. Jadi bersyukur banget gw disini. Disisi lain juga kasihan sih sama orang-orang yang gw kenal tersebut.
Waktu jalan cepet banget, dalam itungan hari gw akan berumur 19 tahun (tua banget gw!) saat di facebook ngeliat temen-temen SMP, SD, SMA. Muka nya udah berubah, dan ingetan gw tentang muka mereka dibangku sekolah dulu pun perlahan mulai pudar (apa gw yang pikun? hahahah)
Bangga dan senang sih liat beberapa dari mereka yang masuk UI, ITB, IPB, dan lain-lain. Ada yang ke UK, US, Canada, Taiwan, Ausie, banyaaak banget tersebar dimana-mana. I admire some of them yg gw tau still living their life rightly in my opinion. While on the other side I took a pity on some yg itu, ada yg di Sydney bisa nya seneng-seneng, di Indo kuliah di Binus dan Atma juga gitu, buang duit dan gaya hidup nya bebas abis. Gw sayang aja sih sama mereka yang gak bisa ngejaga kehormatannya sendiri. we're just around 19 years old tapi org2 keg mereka udah ngelakuin bbrp hal yg seharusnya gak mereka lakukan, yang adalah bukan sesuatu yang baik juga. Beberapa jg gw tau terjebak di field of educational life yang gak mereka sukai (baca: akuntansi) melihat mereka gw bersyukur banget gw masih bisa suka apa yang gw pelajarin sekarang
Looking around, banyak banget yang berubah in this recent years. Orang-orang yang dulu kita kenal udah berjalan di pathway yang beda-beda, dan gw dibuat tercengo kadang-kadang dengan melihat mereka. Tapi yah lagi, that's life. Mungkin karna gw juga yang masih naive, baru keluar dari sekloah. or anything idk how you call it hahaha. Well ya, as you're growing up, mata lo jadi terbuka luasss. Especially kalo lo step into smthg that's far out of ur safety zone. Lebih banyak tau tentang macam-macam hidup orang. Learn a lot from it.
Oh ya, 10th of May kemarin juga PPI Lancaster dengan sukses mengadakan a relatively small independent cultural event di Lancaster. We named it Indonesian Night. Acaranya sekitar 2 jam-an, Dihadiri international dan local ppl n students (ya iyalah masa yg dateng orang indo juga! hahah) mulai dari tamu dateng terus kepalanya dipake/iketin udeng Bali, kumpul2 ada brief introduction tentang Indonesia, pertunjukan nari saman, menikmati jajanan indonesia, lomba makan kerupuk, quiz sampe nari poco-poco. PPI Lancaster ber-13. Dan kita udah getar-getir stress di h-2. Selama lent term, 10 weeks kita ber 8 latihan nari saman dari dasar (kecuali Kak Qisha dan Kak Haikal), dari gak ada yang nyanyi, sampe Andriana jadi syeikh yang oke banget, udah gitu, gw pake acara telat pulang ke Lancaster, dimana tinggal seminggu sebelum acara. Dari kaki keram dan lutut biru-biru (hahaha lebay), sampe udah gak ada rasa lagi, sampe afal lagu dan gerakan diluar kepala, hahaha. Lanjut, kostum dan lainnnya, Dea, Dinta Kak Haikal dll pinjem dari KBRI jauh-jauh ke London, decoration, Dea dll juga yang kerjain by hand. Masak, kita bagi2 smua. gw, Dea, Sania dan Kak Qisha malem sebelumnya bikin lemper dadar gulung dan kue cubit. Tau taunyaaaa lemper baru selesai jem 4 pagi (sumpah jangan pernah underestimate tukang lemper lagi) dari motong2 lempernya, motong daun pisangnya, bungkusin satu-satu, sampe jem 4. Terlanjur pagi, kita lanjut bikin dadar gulung, digulung 1-1 by hand, baras beres baras beres, baru selesai jem 8 pagi. Itu tuh udah dari ngantuk, sampe gak ngantuk, sampe ngantuk lg, terus jadi melek lagi ahahahah. Jem 8 pagi jalan dr gradcol balik ke flat gw. Pake hujan badai pula pagi itu! Jaket sepatu gw basah lepek, nyampe kamar lsg ganti baju dan tidur 4 jam ahahah. Jem 3 sorean ke tempat, ganti baju, ngurusin ini dan itu, hingga acara berjalan sampe smuanya selesai. Kita-kita di ppi dari yang baik-baik aja, sampe kesel-kesel ngumpat-ngumpatin beberapa orang gara-gara kerjaan untuk indonight ini hahaha. Most of the people blg acaranya bagus dan organised bgt, a big success. woohoo. Gw jujur gak nyangka bakal sampe dipuji gini, dan seneng dengernya tentu aja. Huge credit buat Dea Sania Dinta, Kak Haikal dan Kak Qisha yang udah jalanin, bantu banyaaaak banget untuk event ini. hahaha. It's a new experience buat gw untuk terlibat dalam acara yg kita mulai dari nol kayak gini, gw belajar banyak tentang berorganisasi dan apa arti tanggung jawab dari sebuah title jabatan juga karna event ini, thanks to Kak Qisha hahaah. It's a very good night indeed. Salah satu event terbesar PPI Lancaster in the recent years (secara kita event nya cuma makan-makan doang :p hahahah)
So, yeah, nulis panjang lebar gini cuma buat nuang pendapat sih hahaha, cuma sharing apa aja yang gw dapet in these last 2 years and what happened in this 1 year. Study abroad, gak gampang tapi juga adalah one of the biggest thing in my life so far. Terutama buat gw pribadi, yang karna 1-2 hal dibutuhin sama keluarga. Thanks to my mom yang udah sacrifice secara mental buat gw kuliah diluar, hahah. Tapi yah konsekuensinya, 3 bulan sekali bulak-balik manchester jakarta. hahaha. ini juga nih 1 hal yg orang liat enak dari gw. Selali dikira gw bulak balik buat seneng-seneng dan buang2 uang di Jakarta. Padahal ya Tuhan, you don't know how tiring it is to have 32 hours flight in 30 days. three times in a year. Betapa repotnya pula, dkk. Tahun pertama emg homesick, pengen pulang. Tahun kedua? bukannya gak kangen rumah, tapi capek juga bos, dan gw pulang simply bukan untuk seneng-seneng juga! I have something to do, makanya sebisa mungkin kalo libur pulang. Konsekuensinya? Capek iya, keteteran dikit iya. Apalagi saat kesialan melanda gw berkali-kali di satu tempat yang namanya airport. Mulai dari delayed flight berjam-jam sendirian, terjebak di Dubai airport for 24 hour sendirian gak bisa keluar karna gw masih under 18; pdhl udah dpt one day UAE visa, kamar hotel, dll, sampe yang terakhir. Ngebut-ngebutan di taksi saat otw ke bandara di jakarta, nyampe soetta airport, taunya gak bisa berangkat dan harus balik kerumah malam itu. Sumpah sedih banget.
Hahahaha beginilah kisah liburan Manchester-Jakarta gw selama 2 tahun. So many unfortunate, unpredictable things happened. Tapi gak cuma itu, banyak bangeeeet juga kok good things yang happened di UK :) once again, I count myself to be lucky to be in here now.
So, kayaknya udah itu aja yang gw bisa bicarakan hahah. Udah jem 8 malem (mampus gw belom belajar hahah) I'm just sharing my opinion. Bentar lagi year 1 selesai, another farewell with some amazing ppl. Huaaa, 2 years left in Lancs :)
Well, ok, this is real the end now.
Saatnya kembali belajar
Have a good day people! Adios!!!
"we are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and through badly hurt times, we are not destroyed"
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
best regards,
Flashback setahun first year ini, beruntung ketemu temen-temen baru yang baik-baik, walau gak bertambah banyak. Mulai dari flatmates, kebetulan satu flat sama beberapa kenalan di foundation. Tyler dari Taiwan sama Naim dari Malay. Sama-sama di Management School and we're doing some modules together. Bisa sharing, bantu belajar, nyambung dan nambah wawasan banget ngobrol sama orang-orang ini!
Ada juga Faith sama Ese. 2 cewe dari Nigeria dan Ghana, yang tinggal di London. Faith is studying medicine while Ese yang kentel bgt english accent nya, is doing law. Ditambah Jocelyn, cewe HK yang nyambung bgt ngorbol sama gw sampe udah gak ngerti lagi, hahahah, tiap sore gw gangguin dia masak, ngobrol ini itu sampe keujung-ujung, sampe akan ke iceland bareng oktober nanti! haha. Sisanya walau gak gitu deket, juga baik-baik, ada Islam yg belajar melulu, dan Chester, cowo China yang penuh misteri. hahah.
Di flat aja udah asik, lanjut dengan teman-teman sekelas. Banyak dapet temen baru dari tutorial. Amy, cewe HK baik, se team management, pinter pula. Kriti, cewe India yang selevel nilai-nilainya sama gw (HAHAHA) yg enak diajak ngobrol juga. Ada lagi Betty juga, cewe China yang pinter. Di msci 102, juga kenalan sama cewe Amrik, Toyin. Di management group, juga beruntung banget banget dapet group mates yang super oke. Amelia, cewe Cumbria yang hardworking, Adam cowo London yang super fine, York yang sangat simple, dan Amy, cewe HK cs-an gw, hahah. 23 weeks satu group bareng. Mulai dari discussion, presentation, research project. Group meeting di grizedale 6 jem sampe jem 1 pagi. Orang-orang ini keren banget. Ngebantu banyak banget, sampe di akhir kita dapet A+ for the presentation and now being nominated as the best presentation project group! Kurang keren apa coba, hahaah. Walaupun Amelia sm Adam org local yg beda sama kita yang adalah international students. Mereka baik, dan fair enough sekali sama kita, two thumbs up!!
Lanjut, selain temen, di uni juga ketemu banyak lecturer dan tutor-tutor keren. Mulai dari lecturer ACF yang udah sangat berpengalaman, mantan Executive Manager Shell German, dan sekarang ngajar di Glasgow Uni, salah satu uni di Germany, dan Lancaster. Tutor ACF juga keren banget, namanya Noor Hashim. Noor masih muda, dia berasal dari Saudi Arabia, pake hijab, dan kayaknya baru menyelesaikan study phd di Uni of Manchester. Gw kagum sama Noor yang walaupun pake hijab, tapi dia tetep modern, knowledegeable, dan bisa catch up sama educational career disini, jadi teaching staff pula. Gw salut banget sama Noor, mungkin karna biasa gw cuma pernah liat cewe-cewe Saudi Arabia yang married muda, ikut suami dll kali ya, hehe. Lanjut, lecture ECON 100 juga keren-keren. Dari Dr Caroline dan Thomas yang ngajarnya enak, sampe Prof Ian dan Prof Gerald yang super brilliant otaknya gak-ngerti-lagi. Tutor econ gw juga amazing nih. Namanya Colin Mang. Cowo Canada in his mid 20s, doing econ PHD, aktif banget banget di kegiatan kampus dan department, olahraga fencing dan sailing, ngajar puluhan tutorial every weeks, masih jalanin phd research nya, tapi juga tetep eksis clubbing tiap weekend. Gila gak sih satu orang bisa ngelakuin itu semua?!! Colin ini jenius banget banget. Ngajarnya enaaaak banget, bikin gw ngerti dalam sekejap, pinternya gak ketolongan. One of those few geniuses I've ever met in life!!!
Msci 102 lecturer nya juga oke-oke, mulai yang dari ngomong kayak bisik-bisik, sampe yang seru ngebahas study case. MNGT 120 juga oke, lecturernya mulai dari China, Pakistan, sampe locals. Tiap minggu yang bawa lecture accent dan gaya ngajarnya beda-beda, hahahha. Tutor group gw juga baik banget, Mahnaz namanya; a very lovely person she is, indeed. Last, MSCI 110 juga ngajarin banyak hal, sampai bikin gw ngongkrong di lab comp A8 engineering building berhari-hari, ke lab jem 1 pagi one day before deadline (dan rame, yang lain juga pada ngejar deadline! hahahah) dan lainnya
Di uni ini beda banget sama prev educational life gw. Belajar banyak banget hal baru, walaupun belajar beberapa repeated modules like econ, accounting, and some other stuffs. Disini kita melihat dari sisi yang lebih luas. Di lecture dikasih teorinya, di tutorial dikasih practice in real life nya. Yang ngajar, berbagai orang dari beda-beda nationalities. Different accent, different way of teaching, different topics yang dibawain. Coursework juga udah gak main-main lagi, coursework bener-bener useful dan berguna di real life. Banyak pengalaman baru didapatkan, mulai dari attend lecture populer yang super rame dengan muka-muka familiar (temen foundation) sampe dateng lecture yang mostly boring sehingga cuma dikit bangeeet org yang dateng (kasian lecturer nya hahah). Tutorial jem 9 pagi, computer workshop, kumpul tugas pagi-pagi ke management school, disana ketemu temen-temen lo yang juga masih dengan muka kurang tidur, aahahah. Group meeting, dealing with ppl from different nationalities. It looks simple, but actually you have a lot to learn from it.
Kayak balik ke flatmates. Di kitchen kita sering ketemu, mulai dari ngobrol basa-basi, ternyata nyambung dan discuss beberapa topic. Flatmates gw ada orang Nigeria, Ghana, Malaysia, Taiwan, HK, dan gw Indo. We're talking about politics, colonialism, culture, ppl til some random facts about our own country. We listen to each other, sharing knowledge with each other. Ada yang belajar medicine, law, accounting, marketing, dan gw business management. Kita jadi melihat persoalaan gak cuma dari satu sudut pandang lagi secara gak langsung dengan discussion kayak gini (asik banget bahasanya! hahaha) well but that's true. and believe me, it's a real precious experience that you can hardly ever get.
Kemarin seorang kenalan nanya sama gw. "Gimana sekolah di UK? Enak gak?" banyak banget orang yang study keluar negeri, dengan motif yang beda-beda. Kalau diakalangan temen-temen gw, ada yang buat gaya-gayaan, ada yang buat nama, ada yang ngejar ilmu, adapun juga yang memang cuma suka tinggal di negaranya. Banyak juga yang tadinya mau, gak jadi keluar negeri karna takut, takut tinggal sendiri, takut dirasis-in (this is one of the most ridiculous answer ive ever heard), takut pelajaran susah. Well, that's the challenge from studying abroad. Harus mandiri, independent, dan bisa gak bisa, gak peduli berapa banyak duit yang lo punya disini, apapun etnis lo, apapun nationality lo, saat lo study abroad especially di tempat yang sangat baru dan berbeda dengan hidup&lingkungan lo biasanya. Lo belajar banyak banget dari situ. Mungkin lo merasa kesusahan, encounter some difficulties. well that happens. unfortunate things happens, so does shits as well hahaha. Tapi sisanya adalah kejadian-kejadian baik, unik, baru yang memberi lo banyak pelajaran, yang gak akan lo bisa dapet dimanapun tempat lainnya. Coba aja compare student biasa sama international student. Kita punya banyak banget perbedaan hahah. (kayak gw yg punya hidden talent: kemampuan mencari tiket pesawat paling murah hahahaha)
Intinya, tentu ada kesusahannya study abroad, tapi menurut gw, itu worth it kok, setimpal dengan ilmu dan experience yang lu dapet disini, if u really do what you need to do properly in here. Uang yang dikeluarin banyak, tapi ilmu dan pengalaman yang lo dapet juga banyak banget.
Kayak gw, kuliah di Lancaster gak gampang. Dulu gw milih disini seenak-enaknya karna ranking nya bagus. Marketing first in the UK, acc&finance second best in the uk dan management school nya one of the best in the UK. Gw bangga banget, beh bangga banget, tapi sekarang baru gw rasain dan ngerti. Dari mana semua ranking itu bisa didapatkan university ini, pelajarannya susah woiii!!! Lecturer nya keren-keren, coursework nya practical banget dan useful banget. Ilmunya pun fully prepared.
Gw bayar mahal disini, emang susah belajarnya, sampe mau nangis tiap malem rasanya ahah, tapi ya itu challenge yang gw dapatkan. It's not easy, tapi saat down, gw selalu coba throw back lagi kayak sekarang.. Inget-inget apa aja yang gw dapet selain ilmu disini. I gained a lot beside those educational thingy by living in here for the last 2 years.
Gw adalah tipe orang yang suka ngamatin orang (beda tipis sama kepo dan hobby stalking hahah) dari orang-orang disekitar yg gw amatin aja gw belajar banyak, kayak anak-anak undergrad temen Malaysia gw disini. Mostly adalah anak-anak orang kaya, yg punya background family dan educational life yang sangat tinggi (dan mostly karna tuntutan). Gw tau soal mereka dari bersosialisasi yang adalah keharusan, dari situ gw dapet banyak knowledge tentang orang-orang dari negara lain tanpa sadar. Bisa nilai mereka dan ambil point2 baiknya, tau banyak info yang beberapa gak tertulis di buku, tanpa harus baca buku. That's the point. Dari berteman aja lo udah nambah banyak ilmu tentang negara temen-temen lo. Apalagi saat lo ngobrol banyak sama mereka, bertukar pikiran. About Malaysia or HK misalnya. Biasa kita nge judge their ppl or their countrys's condition dari satu sisi doang, dari berita yang ada di BBC doang, tapi disini, lo ketemu mereka langsung, lo denger opini mereka yg tentu aja berbeda dan itu bisa merubah atau at least meluaskan sudut pandang lo dalam menanggapi sesuatu. Sama juga kita kepada orang lain, kita juga ngomongin tentang negara kita sendiri, kasih tau beberapa budaya kita, Indonesia negara nya kayak apa, orang-orang nya kayak apa, change ppl's perception about Indonesia, apalagi kalau bbrp presepsi tsbt adalah presepsi yg kurang benar.
Banyak orang pikir kita study abroad, make friends with foreign ppl for business connection or anything. Well im still not sure about that and it sounds a little bit like bullshit for me. Gw gak berharap banyak utk punya long lasting friendship dengan banyak orang-orang disini. Memang dgn beberapa kita deket banget hingga bisa membangun koneksi. Tapi keuntungan gak dari itu aja, dari yang gak gitu deket juga, dari kita bergaul sama mereka, ngobrol sama mereka, kita jadi tau fact-fact asik dan knowledge2 itu. Seperti yang gw jelaskan sebelumnya
Next, part of life in Lancaster yang gw suka disini adalah juga orang-orang Indonya. Disini gw ketemu orang-orang yang beda banget dengan orang-orang yang biasa sepergaulan gw di SMA or SMP. Mulai dari orang-orang muda yang smart, berwawasan dan hardworking. Merantau di negeri orang by scholarship from the government, world bank, dan lain-lain. 2 tahun, 2 batch postgrad stdt indo gw kenal disini. Some of the postgrad students are here by scholarships. Mulai dari pertamina, world bank, dikti, UI, Unpad, Chevening, dll. Beberapa orang yang ambil Phd, adalah lecturer di UI, Unpad, UPI, UGM, Universitas Muhhamadiah Surakarta, dll. Ada juga yang journalist, ada juga yang berkarir di Pertamina dan law firm. Bayangin aja gw yang adalah anak sma doang, diusia 17 tahun ketemu orang-orang seperti ini (jadi terkagum-kagum deh). It's a whole new world for me. Orang orang ini kesini bukan uang orang tua, beberapa bayar puluhan ribu pounds untuk S2 dari hasil nabung gaji bertahun-tahun, beberapa lainnya menunggu 2-3 tahun untuk dapet beasiswa dikti, lpdp dan lainnya hingga sampai ke UK. Beberapa harus membawa suami/istri bahkan anak-anaknya untuk beradaptasi di negeri orang, jauh dari keluarga, demi mengemban pendidikan disini. Dari orang-orang Indo disini, mata gw terbuka luas banget. Di Jakarta gw hidup stuck di satu group masyarakat, disini gw bisa melihat dari sisi group bagian masyarakat lainnya. Gw kagum banget sama beberapa orang-orang ini. Di Lancaster Uni juga ada 4 dosen tetap orang Indo. Pak Anto, Pak Dahny, Mbak Sandra dan Pak Stefan. Pak Anto deh contohnya, 10 tahun S2 dan S3 di Belanda, dari bujangan, sampe nikah, dan sampe punya anak di Maastricht. Lalu pindah ke UK, sekarang jadi lecturer disini, bersama istri dan anaknya Ilham, yang bahasa inggrisnya british abis dan jauh lebih bagus dari bahasa indonesianya. Gak mudah buat mereka hidup bertahun-tahun jauh dari keluarga besar di Indonesia. Dan dari satu acara makan siang sambil ngobrol-ngobrol aja, jadi banyak tau dan belajar dari pengalam yang disharing oleh mereka.
Buat gw yang datang dari background dari mereka, pertama gw belajar melihat dari sudut pandang lain, gak cuma stuck kayak waktu di Jakarta, kedua, most of them are a very educated and educational ppl, dari ngobrol2 aja lo dapet banyak new knowledge, dan terakhir, dari pengalaman-pengalaman hidup mereka, mulai dari susahnya buat nyampe UK, hingga difficulties yang mereka dapatkan disini. They are a very very friendly and humble people. Welcome banget sama semua orang. Disini kita sama-sama orang Indonesia, satu bahasa, satu kampung halaman. Gak perduli etnis, gak perduli status, as long as we can get along well w/ each other, kita belajar banyak dari satu sama lain. Gak gampang ketemu orang-orang seperti ini di kota lain in the UK apalagi di Indonesia. Beruntung karna Lancaster kota yang kecil dan sangat lah kental dengan educational life, gw bisa berada di lingkungan seperti ini.
Gak cuman dari mahasiswa postgrad gw belajar, tapi juga dari anak-anak undergrad disini, Andriana, Bari, kita dateng dari background yang beda-beda. Kayak lo pertama ospek kuliah deh, ketemu temen2 dari SMA lain, tapi lo cuma temenan sama orang-orang yang satu etnis dan satu lifestyle kan sama lo. Di Indo kita terpisahkan sama batas yang gak terlihat between people. Gw juga di indo gak gaul sama orang-orang indo, justru karna disini doang gw bisa deket sama orang-orang kayak mereka. Dan so far itu membawa efek yang baik kok, gw belajar banyak dari mereka, bertukar knowledge, dan bisa melihat dari satu sudut pandang baru yg berbeda.
Kalau kalian gak setuju sama gw, kesampingin lah soal orang-orang indo kayak gini. I know it's not easy to meet these kind of ppl, that's why I count myself to be lucky. Tapi kalau ditanya apakah gw akan nyesel kalau gak belajar keluar negeri? melihat kondisin sekarang, gw akan jawab iya.
Kemarin gw ngobrol-ngorbol sama temen SMA, dan baru diceritain betapa bebasnya mantan temen-temen sekelas gw itu sekarang di kuliah. Seks bebas, gaya hidup yang sangat konsumtif, hidup dengan gengsi, dan sinis-sinisan, sirik-sirikan berantem antar temen udah kayak anak SD. Terutama di bagian seks bebas, gw kaget banget denger itu semua, miris dengernya. Jadi bersyukur banget gw disini. Disisi lain juga kasihan sih sama orang-orang yang gw kenal tersebut.
Waktu jalan cepet banget, dalam itungan hari gw akan berumur 19 tahun (tua banget gw!) saat di facebook ngeliat temen-temen SMP, SD, SMA. Muka nya udah berubah, dan ingetan gw tentang muka mereka dibangku sekolah dulu pun perlahan mulai pudar (apa gw yang pikun? hahahah)
Bangga dan senang sih liat beberapa dari mereka yang masuk UI, ITB, IPB, dan lain-lain. Ada yang ke UK, US, Canada, Taiwan, Ausie, banyaaak banget tersebar dimana-mana. I admire some of them yg gw tau still living their life rightly in my opinion. While on the other side I took a pity on some yg itu, ada yg di Sydney bisa nya seneng-seneng, di Indo kuliah di Binus dan Atma juga gitu, buang duit dan gaya hidup nya bebas abis. Gw sayang aja sih sama mereka yang gak bisa ngejaga kehormatannya sendiri. we're just around 19 years old tapi org2 keg mereka udah ngelakuin bbrp hal yg seharusnya gak mereka lakukan, yang adalah bukan sesuatu yang baik juga. Beberapa jg gw tau terjebak di field of educational life yang gak mereka sukai (baca: akuntansi) melihat mereka gw bersyukur banget gw masih bisa suka apa yang gw pelajarin sekarang
Looking around, banyak banget yang berubah in this recent years. Orang-orang yang dulu kita kenal udah berjalan di pathway yang beda-beda, dan gw dibuat tercengo kadang-kadang dengan melihat mereka. Tapi yah lagi, that's life. Mungkin karna gw juga yang masih naive, baru keluar dari sekloah. or anything idk how you call it hahaha. Well ya, as you're growing up, mata lo jadi terbuka luasss. Especially kalo lo step into smthg that's far out of ur safety zone. Lebih banyak tau tentang macam-macam hidup orang. Learn a lot from it.
Oh ya, 10th of May kemarin juga PPI Lancaster dengan sukses mengadakan a relatively small independent cultural event di Lancaster. We named it Indonesian Night. Acaranya sekitar 2 jam-an, Dihadiri international dan local ppl n students (ya iyalah masa yg dateng orang indo juga! hahah) mulai dari tamu dateng terus kepalanya dipake/iketin udeng Bali, kumpul2 ada brief introduction tentang Indonesia, pertunjukan nari saman, menikmati jajanan indonesia, lomba makan kerupuk, quiz sampe nari poco-poco. PPI Lancaster ber-13. Dan kita udah getar-getir stress di h-2. Selama lent term, 10 weeks kita ber 8 latihan nari saman dari dasar (kecuali Kak Qisha dan Kak Haikal), dari gak ada yang nyanyi, sampe Andriana jadi syeikh yang oke banget, udah gitu, gw pake acara telat pulang ke Lancaster, dimana tinggal seminggu sebelum acara. Dari kaki keram dan lutut biru-biru (hahaha lebay), sampe udah gak ada rasa lagi, sampe afal lagu dan gerakan diluar kepala, hahaha. Lanjut, kostum dan lainnnya, Dea, Dinta Kak Haikal dll pinjem dari KBRI jauh-jauh ke London, decoration, Dea dll juga yang kerjain by hand. Masak, kita bagi2 smua. gw, Dea, Sania dan Kak Qisha malem sebelumnya bikin lemper dadar gulung dan kue cubit. Tau taunyaaaa lemper baru selesai jem 4 pagi (sumpah jangan pernah underestimate tukang lemper lagi) dari motong2 lempernya, motong daun pisangnya, bungkusin satu-satu, sampe jem 4. Terlanjur pagi, kita lanjut bikin dadar gulung, digulung 1-1 by hand, baras beres baras beres, baru selesai jem 8 pagi. Itu tuh udah dari ngantuk, sampe gak ngantuk, sampe ngantuk lg, terus jadi melek lagi ahahahah. Jem 8 pagi jalan dr gradcol balik ke flat gw. Pake hujan badai pula pagi itu! Jaket sepatu gw basah lepek, nyampe kamar lsg ganti baju dan tidur 4 jam ahahah. Jem 3 sorean ke tempat, ganti baju, ngurusin ini dan itu, hingga acara berjalan sampe smuanya selesai. Kita-kita di ppi dari yang baik-baik aja, sampe kesel-kesel ngumpat-ngumpatin beberapa orang gara-gara kerjaan untuk indonight ini hahaha. Most of the people blg acaranya bagus dan organised bgt, a big success. woohoo. Gw jujur gak nyangka bakal sampe dipuji gini, dan seneng dengernya tentu aja. Huge credit buat Dea Sania Dinta, Kak Haikal dan Kak Qisha yang udah jalanin, bantu banyaaaak banget untuk event ini. hahaha. It's a new experience buat gw untuk terlibat dalam acara yg kita mulai dari nol kayak gini, gw belajar banyak tentang berorganisasi dan apa arti tanggung jawab dari sebuah title jabatan juga karna event ini, thanks to Kak Qisha hahaah. It's a very good night indeed. Salah satu event terbesar PPI Lancaster in the recent years (secara kita event nya cuma makan-makan doang :p hahahah)
So, yeah, nulis panjang lebar gini cuma buat nuang pendapat sih hahaha, cuma sharing apa aja yang gw dapet in these last 2 years and what happened in this 1 year. Study abroad, gak gampang tapi juga adalah one of the biggest thing in my life so far. Terutama buat gw pribadi, yang karna 1-2 hal dibutuhin sama keluarga. Thanks to my mom yang udah sacrifice secara mental buat gw kuliah diluar, hahah. Tapi yah konsekuensinya, 3 bulan sekali bulak-balik manchester jakarta. hahaha. ini juga nih 1 hal yg orang liat enak dari gw. Selali dikira gw bulak balik buat seneng-seneng dan buang2 uang di Jakarta. Padahal ya Tuhan, you don't know how tiring it is to have 32 hours flight in 30 days. three times in a year. Betapa repotnya pula, dkk. Tahun pertama emg homesick, pengen pulang. Tahun kedua? bukannya gak kangen rumah, tapi capek juga bos, dan gw pulang simply bukan untuk seneng-seneng juga! I have something to do, makanya sebisa mungkin kalo libur pulang. Konsekuensinya? Capek iya, keteteran dikit iya. Apalagi saat kesialan melanda gw berkali-kali di satu tempat yang namanya airport. Mulai dari delayed flight berjam-jam sendirian, terjebak di Dubai airport for 24 hour sendirian gak bisa keluar karna gw masih under 18; pdhl udah dpt one day UAE visa, kamar hotel, dll, sampe yang terakhir. Ngebut-ngebutan di taksi saat otw ke bandara di jakarta, nyampe soetta airport, taunya gak bisa berangkat dan harus balik kerumah malam itu. Sumpah sedih banget.
Hahahaha beginilah kisah liburan Manchester-Jakarta gw selama 2 tahun. So many unfortunate, unpredictable things happened. Tapi gak cuma itu, banyak bangeeeet juga kok good things yang happened di UK :) once again, I count myself to be lucky to be in here now.
So, kayaknya udah itu aja yang gw bisa bicarakan hahah. Udah jem 8 malem (mampus gw belom belajar hahah) I'm just sharing my opinion. Bentar lagi year 1 selesai, another farewell with some amazing ppl. Huaaa, 2 years left in Lancs :)
Well, ok, this is real the end now.
Saatnya kembali belajar
Have a good day people! Adios!!!
"we are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and through badly hurt times, we are not destroyed"
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
best regards,
Little Current Chat
May 29th 2014
First exam of the first year in 2 days. I have 5 exams. Have been drinking coffee every single day in the last 1 week. Just realised that I'm so doomed right now. I'm so so so so lazy in these 2 terms. I know I'm not smart, or I'm just way too lazy or whatever. I just feel so disappointed to my self because for again and again cause I didn't do anything much to fix it. I'm always being left behind from other friends. Talking with them, their grades are always higher. They can pass while I'm not, they're in A or B while I'm on C. I know I'm just having fun, I'm not hardworking at all, not productive, haven't tried my best. And yah now I'm taking the consequences. Feel so pissed when everyone always achieve smthg higher than you. I've been so blessed. But all I can do is just making problems, spending money, and arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm really really annoyed with my own self. I swear I'll do better next year. I swear I won't waste every single day anymore. I know what I did wrong. Too careless during the term. So lazy, so stupid. Too many shits happens these day. Money, memories, education. I'm so pissed so disappointed with my own self.. It just can't be expressed in any better way than this anymore.
I'm so pissed, and all I can do now is just to try my best to pass the exams.
I swear I'll do better next year. No more having fun during the weeks. Holiday is holiday, studying and studying. It's gonna be even more difficult than now. Oh please I just don't wanna fail or being left behind anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really want to have placement as well, at least during summer after year 2 please!! arghhhhh, in some society as well, I want to get more formally involved in it, gain experiences, though I also know the consequences, hope next year I can do my task from the upcoming position even better than now.
I'm so pissed right now that I'm gonna die!!! Arghhh!!!
current fav songs:
Fly To The Sky - 너 를 너 를 너 를
G.O.D: The Lone Duckling
Xia Junsu -Rainy Night
Jung Joon Young & Younha: Just The Way You Are
best regards,
First exam of the first year in 2 days. I have 5 exams. Have been drinking coffee every single day in the last 1 week. Just realised that I'm so doomed right now. I'm so so so so lazy in these 2 terms. I know I'm not smart, or I'm just way too lazy or whatever. I just feel so disappointed to my self because for again and again cause I didn't do anything much to fix it. I'm always being left behind from other friends. Talking with them, their grades are always higher. They can pass while I'm not, they're in A or B while I'm on C. I know I'm just having fun, I'm not hardworking at all, not productive, haven't tried my best. And yah now I'm taking the consequences. Feel so pissed when everyone always achieve smthg higher than you. I've been so blessed. But all I can do is just making problems, spending money, and arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm really really annoyed with my own self. I swear I'll do better next year. I swear I won't waste every single day anymore. I know what I did wrong. Too careless during the term. So lazy, so stupid. Too many shits happens these day. Money, memories, education. I'm so pissed so disappointed with my own self.. It just can't be expressed in any better way than this anymore.
I'm so pissed, and all I can do now is just to try my best to pass the exams.
I swear I'll do better next year. No more having fun during the weeks. Holiday is holiday, studying and studying. It's gonna be even more difficult than now. Oh please I just don't wanna fail or being left behind anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really want to have placement as well, at least during summer after year 2 please!! arghhhhh, in some society as well, I want to get more formally involved in it, gain experiences, though I also know the consequences, hope next year I can do my task from the upcoming position even better than now.
I'm so pissed right now that I'm gonna die!!! Arghhh!!!
current fav songs:
Fly To The Sky - 너 를 너 를 너 를
G.O.D: The Lone Duckling
Xia Junsu -Rainy Night
Jung Joon Young & Younha: Just The Way You Are
best regards,
Monday, 10 February 2014
Korean movie review
Hi there again everyone. Here comes my post to review some Korean movies that I've watched. Those really good ones for me :) enjoy!
First of all, I watched these movies in the cinema, on the plane, on tv back home, or online. So to make it easier for me, I'm gonna classified it into where I watched it, hahah
On the plane:
1. Masquerade
2. Architecture 101
3. The Thieves
4. The Berlin File
5. Cold Eyes
1. Ahjussi (a man from nowhere)
2. A Barefoot Dream
In the cinema:
1. Mr. Go
2. Secretly Greatly
3. A Werewolf Boy
4. Mr Idol
1. Heaven's postman
2. Hello Ghost
1. Masquerade
This used to be a box office movie in South Korea I remembered. Telling a story about Joseon era's King who's 'kinda bad' and someday he's being poisoned by one of the concubine. To prevent a mess in the country, the 'right hand' of the King found a man who looks exactly like him to replace the king. Oh ya at first the king use him to replace him while he's visiting that concubine (as I remembered)
And so while playing as a king this guy have to learn all of the king's habit and learn more about the palace. Not only that, he's also being dragged into the political conflict within the palace and also fallen in love with the queen. The ending is quite good, I really like the king's right hand man who is really loyal. As expected from Lee Byung Hyun who plays both of the characters really really well. No wonder this movie becomes a box office movie back then :)
2. Architecture 101
Another box office movie (as they said). The casts are Han Ga In and Suzy. Telling about one man and woman's first love during first year of college, but both never confess because of and other circumstances. In the present they met again, well the woman is the one who act look for him though; and start to look back and remembering their old first love story. Han Ga In is really pretty in here, I like her style as well, hahah. But beside that, nothing's really special for me from this movie. Just a basic romance movie.
3. The Thieves
I remembered really want to watch movie in the cinema but can't, so ended up watched this on the plane but didn't finish it then watch it for the second time til the end on tv at home.
The Thieves is an action movie about thieves, just like its name. It's a kind of serious action movie, with a little bit of romance, but has a lot of twisted inside it. When you watch you just can't predict what's happening and what's going to happen and what's really happening hhaha. Kim Soo Hyun is way too hot as well in this movie
4. The Berlin File
Just watched this one in January. Have heard about it often, yeap another box office movie
Telling a story about South Korean vs North Korean agent or smtg located in Berlin. Don't really watch the movie fully but the ending is sad. Action movie, the story is kinda awesome as well.
5. Cold Eyes
This movie is kinda new as well. Telling a story about Han Hyo Joo who is a newbie as an agent. She has talent, and so she and her team tried to catch a boss of professional group of thieves.
I love this movie, the ending is great as well. The sad moment is when one of the team's member passed away, and when a lot of ppl are hurt because of that bad man. Super worth to watch and recommended!
During summer, Net tv (a local tv channel in indonesia) played a korean movie every saturday and sunday night. Some are really good, just like these ones:
1. Ahjussi (A Man From Nowhere)
Telling about Won Bin who is a professional killer, or a spy I'm not really sure, who suddenly get involved in his neighbor's drug case. He was close with this woman's daughter, because her mother doesn't really care about her. When I watched it, it was nothing special at first, just an action movie (again) but then comes a seen when the girl telling something that's really sad to the guy (Won Bin), then after that this girl is kidnapped by the bad guys who's looking for something from the girl's mother. And so his real side is out to save the girl cause before he just pretending to be a normal guy in the neighborhood
2. A Barefoot Dream
A story about a former Korean soccer coach who went to East Timor to start a business. Then after several things that happened, he ended up trains the boys in there who have talent to play soccer. At first watch this because of the location background and the language which is sometimes similar to my local language, Indonesian. But then, this movie is really good! Love the touching moment when the kids begged him to not to go. This man start with nothing, and keep falling and going up again to bring the kids to the professional field of soccer. A really meaningful movie. Like it when he's talking in bahasa (for a little bit) and he's kinda look like Eunhyuk Super Junior because of the gum smile, hahhhahahaha
In the cinema, I watched:
1. Mr. Go
Another big movie because of Sung Dong Il (esp this movies is out after appa oediga)
But I really want to watch it because I've watched Sung Dong Il's film and drama before appa oediga, therefore I really looking forward for his acting in this movie. It was good, and I bet many many people have watched it or at least know what's the movie about. So, for me, maybe because a lot of people has told me what is the movie about, the scene, the bla bla bla. I don't know, when I watch it I just don't feel really amaze with it. It was good though, esp for the cinematographic effect and Sung Dong Il's acting
2. Secretly Greatly
This one is my favorite movie of all so far. Telling about a north korean soldier who's sent to the south and to disguise in a local neighborhood. Then he met his colleagues, get along with the people around it, til the end is asked to end all of their disguised. I love the movie cause it's unpredictable, has a meaning on it, funny, but still an action movie as well at the same time. The ending again is really sad and also has a switched in the story. Love love love kim soo hyun's acting in here. He's a really brilliant actor seriously!!!!
3. A Werewolf Boy
Another famous movie, but I love Park Bo Young and Song Joong Ki's acting. Especially the scene in the forest when he get to talk for the first time while tearing up, saying "hajima" ("don't go")
The ending is sad as well. A great one, indeed
4. Mr Idol
This movie is quite old, remembered watched this with my sister when we're still in FO madness and since the casts are Park Yejin and Kim Sooro. Making it a must for FO fans to watch this. The story is quite good, I like the songs in it as well. And it has Jay Park and UKiss! A not really serious and famous movie but overall I like it :)
Last these 2 I just watched it few days ago
1. Heavenly Postman
Watch this of course because the one and only Kim Jaejoong!! hahha Overall it's good, not really boring and a happy ending. For those who likes tvxq or jaejoong or jyj. Go watch this one!
2. Hello Ghost
Found the review for this movie is quite good then try to watch it. It's funny, Cha Tae Hyun is doing great as well, but I don't feel anything until 90% of this movie. Then, when it comes to the ending. Dash! All of my perception changed in a second because of a big switch and revelation in the story. And it was really sad for God's sake!!!!!!! All of the scene that I thought is not really important is revealed to be in there because of a very good important meaning. This movie is sooo good! Tell us about the love of parent and family. Super recommended
Next, I also have favorite actors and actress. My fav actors are Ji Sung and Kim Soo Hyun
1. Ji Sung
First time watched him in 'new heart', a medical drama. And then also seeing him in 'protect the boss', 'secret', and 'my ps partner'. His acting was soooo great. Thumbs up!!!
2. Kim Soo Hyun
Liking him because of Secreatly Greatly, hahah but then seeing all of his works as well, 'dream high', 'the moon that embrace the sun', 'the thieves' and 'you who came from the stars'. And yeah super amaze because of his acting skill. Simply great
Actrees: Jun Ji Hyun
Just noticed her really recently, while looking at her biography and find out that many of my fav movies are played by her! yeap she played in 'my sassy girl', 'daisy', 'the thieves,' and last 'the berlin file'
I like these 3 of them because of their skill (beside the face for soo hyun and ji sung, hahah) and because of their play in each role that are totally different. Looking at jisung, ji hyun and soo hyun. They don't play a lot but in each they've successfully built and lived that character and each characters are different from prev ones. I know some actors and actresses like Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Shin She Kyung, Park Shin Hye. Their acting are cool as well but keep repeating the same or similar character in each film. That's why I really like these 3 people and bring it as my favorite
Nowadays I'm watching 'Emergency Couple'. I don't watch dramas, I even have never watched a drama from the beginning til the end fully. But because of this is Song Ji Hyo, I tried to watch and it turns out to be a good one. Her acting is really good and I like her character who plays a woman who tried to prove herself that she can be a successful person as well. Kinda feel irritated because of the antagonist play though but still I'll keep watching cause this drama gives some meaning as well, not just a cheesy one.
I super like Dr Kook Cheon Soo as well, a super handsome, cool, smart and kind hearted doctor. Woot! I real hope she'll end up with Jihyo somehow :) lol
That's all for now
ps: it's february alr ppl!!! XD
best regards,
First of all, I watched these movies in the cinema, on the plane, on tv back home, or online. So to make it easier for me, I'm gonna classified it into where I watched it, hahah
On the plane:
1. Masquerade
2. Architecture 101
3. The Thieves
4. The Berlin File
5. Cold Eyes
1. Ahjussi (a man from nowhere)
2. A Barefoot Dream
In the cinema:
1. Mr. Go
2. Secretly Greatly
3. A Werewolf Boy
4. Mr Idol
1. Heaven's postman
2. Hello Ghost
1. Masquerade
This used to be a box office movie in South Korea I remembered. Telling a story about Joseon era's King who's 'kinda bad' and someday he's being poisoned by one of the concubine. To prevent a mess in the country, the 'right hand' of the King found a man who looks exactly like him to replace the king. Oh ya at first the king use him to replace him while he's visiting that concubine (as I remembered)
And so while playing as a king this guy have to learn all of the king's habit and learn more about the palace. Not only that, he's also being dragged into the political conflict within the palace and also fallen in love with the queen. The ending is quite good, I really like the king's right hand man who is really loyal. As expected from Lee Byung Hyun who plays both of the characters really really well. No wonder this movie becomes a box office movie back then :)
2. Architecture 101
Another box office movie (as they said). The casts are Han Ga In and Suzy. Telling about one man and woman's first love during first year of college, but both never confess because of and other circumstances. In the present they met again, well the woman is the one who act look for him though; and start to look back and remembering their old first love story. Han Ga In is really pretty in here, I like her style as well, hahah. But beside that, nothing's really special for me from this movie. Just a basic romance movie.
3. The Thieves
I remembered really want to watch movie in the cinema but can't, so ended up watched this on the plane but didn't finish it then watch it for the second time til the end on tv at home.
The Thieves is an action movie about thieves, just like its name. It's a kind of serious action movie, with a little bit of romance, but has a lot of twisted inside it. When you watch you just can't predict what's happening and what's going to happen and what's really happening hhaha. Kim Soo Hyun is way too hot as well in this movie
4. The Berlin File
Just watched this one in January. Have heard about it often, yeap another box office movie
Telling a story about South Korean vs North Korean agent or smtg located in Berlin. Don't really watch the movie fully but the ending is sad. Action movie, the story is kinda awesome as well.
5. Cold Eyes
This movie is kinda new as well. Telling a story about Han Hyo Joo who is a newbie as an agent. She has talent, and so she and her team tried to catch a boss of professional group of thieves.
I love this movie, the ending is great as well. The sad moment is when one of the team's member passed away, and when a lot of ppl are hurt because of that bad man. Super worth to watch and recommended!
During summer, Net tv (a local tv channel in indonesia) played a korean movie every saturday and sunday night. Some are really good, just like these ones:
1. Ahjussi (A Man From Nowhere)
Telling about Won Bin who is a professional killer, or a spy I'm not really sure, who suddenly get involved in his neighbor's drug case. He was close with this woman's daughter, because her mother doesn't really care about her. When I watched it, it was nothing special at first, just an action movie (again) but then comes a seen when the girl telling something that's really sad to the guy (Won Bin), then after that this girl is kidnapped by the bad guys who's looking for something from the girl's mother. And so his real side is out to save the girl cause before he just pretending to be a normal guy in the neighborhood
2. A Barefoot Dream
A story about a former Korean soccer coach who went to East Timor to start a business. Then after several things that happened, he ended up trains the boys in there who have talent to play soccer. At first watch this because of the location background and the language which is sometimes similar to my local language, Indonesian. But then, this movie is really good! Love the touching moment when the kids begged him to not to go. This man start with nothing, and keep falling and going up again to bring the kids to the professional field of soccer. A really meaningful movie. Like it when he's talking in bahasa (for a little bit) and he's kinda look like Eunhyuk Super Junior because of the gum smile, hahhhahahaha
In the cinema, I watched:
1. Mr. Go
Another big movie because of Sung Dong Il (esp this movies is out after appa oediga)
But I really want to watch it because I've watched Sung Dong Il's film and drama before appa oediga, therefore I really looking forward for his acting in this movie. It was good, and I bet many many people have watched it or at least know what's the movie about. So, for me, maybe because a lot of people has told me what is the movie about, the scene, the bla bla bla. I don't know, when I watch it I just don't feel really amaze with it. It was good though, esp for the cinematographic effect and Sung Dong Il's acting
2. Secretly Greatly
This one is my favorite movie of all so far. Telling about a north korean soldier who's sent to the south and to disguise in a local neighborhood. Then he met his colleagues, get along with the people around it, til the end is asked to end all of their disguised. I love the movie cause it's unpredictable, has a meaning on it, funny, but still an action movie as well at the same time. The ending again is really sad and also has a switched in the story. Love love love kim soo hyun's acting in here. He's a really brilliant actor seriously!!!!
3. A Werewolf Boy
Another famous movie, but I love Park Bo Young and Song Joong Ki's acting. Especially the scene in the forest when he get to talk for the first time while tearing up, saying "hajima" ("don't go")
The ending is sad as well. A great one, indeed
4. Mr Idol
This movie is quite old, remembered watched this with my sister when we're still in FO madness and since the casts are Park Yejin and Kim Sooro. Making it a must for FO fans to watch this. The story is quite good, I like the songs in it as well. And it has Jay Park and UKiss! A not really serious and famous movie but overall I like it :)
Last these 2 I just watched it few days ago
1. Heavenly Postman
Watch this of course because the one and only Kim Jaejoong!! hahha Overall it's good, not really boring and a happy ending. For those who likes tvxq or jaejoong or jyj. Go watch this one!
2. Hello Ghost
Found the review for this movie is quite good then try to watch it. It's funny, Cha Tae Hyun is doing great as well, but I don't feel anything until 90% of this movie. Then, when it comes to the ending. Dash! All of my perception changed in a second because of a big switch and revelation in the story. And it was really sad for God's sake!!!!!!! All of the scene that I thought is not really important is revealed to be in there because of a very good important meaning. This movie is sooo good! Tell us about the love of parent and family. Super recommended
Next, I also have favorite actors and actress. My fav actors are Ji Sung and Kim Soo Hyun
1. Ji Sung
First time watched him in 'new heart', a medical drama. And then also seeing him in 'protect the boss', 'secret', and 'my ps partner'. His acting was soooo great. Thumbs up!!!
2. Kim Soo Hyun
Liking him because of Secreatly Greatly, hahah but then seeing all of his works as well, 'dream high', 'the moon that embrace the sun', 'the thieves' and 'you who came from the stars'. And yeah super amaze because of his acting skill. Simply great
Actrees: Jun Ji Hyun
Just noticed her really recently, while looking at her biography and find out that many of my fav movies are played by her! yeap she played in 'my sassy girl', 'daisy', 'the thieves,' and last 'the berlin file'
I like these 3 of them because of their skill (beside the face for soo hyun and ji sung, hahah) and because of their play in each role that are totally different. Looking at jisung, ji hyun and soo hyun. They don't play a lot but in each they've successfully built and lived that character and each characters are different from prev ones. I know some actors and actresses like Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Shin She Kyung, Park Shin Hye. Their acting are cool as well but keep repeating the same or similar character in each film. That's why I really like these 3 people and bring it as my favorite
Nowadays I'm watching 'Emergency Couple'. I don't watch dramas, I even have never watched a drama from the beginning til the end fully. But because of this is Song Ji Hyo, I tried to watch and it turns out to be a good one. Her acting is really good and I like her character who plays a woman who tried to prove herself that she can be a successful person as well. Kinda feel irritated because of the antagonist play though but still I'll keep watching cause this drama gives some meaning as well, not just a cheesy one.
I super like Dr Kook Cheon Soo as well, a super handsome, cool, smart and kind hearted doctor. Woot! I real hope she'll end up with Jihyo somehow :) lol
That's all for now
ps: it's february alr ppl!!! XD
best regards,
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