Monday, 14 October 2013

another late post. June 2013

This is a very late post that I wrote around last June, too lazy to post it up and finally here it is the post. Just my opinion and perspectives about Indonesia and the people in the UK. Just wanna share ideas, don't be mad ppl. Cheers,  Jeslyne X)

Last Saturday me with other indo ppl in Lancaster went to Nottingham to visit indofest 2013, one of the biggest event held by ppi uk in University of Nottingham. Well, the event run quite well. A lot of delicious Indonesian food was available for sale with kinda reasonable price. But honestly, when I came and see how the event goes, it doesn’t meet my expectation at all because of several reasons.
First, the different activities that are held located in different locations that are far apart from each other. The sport competition was held far on the other side while the food bazaar was located on the other side therefore make the gap so not all the students can freely meet each other. Secondly, the meeting with other indo’s student in the uk has changed my perception (again) to underestimate some indo ppl (again) what I saw there, are many many ignorant student that has no tolerant or at least basic proper manner as indonesian with others at all. Some of them came wearing high heels, holding high branded bag, carrying status of a student of the university in the UK but have no manner at all even just to queue for food.
Well basically this is one of the things that I don’t like from living in Indo (esp Jakarta). The consumerism of indo’s ppl that is too high, many of them are being obsessed to showing off their wealth and their branded expensive things.
Seeing those indo’s student in Nottingham only makes me feel sick and reminds me of the true nature of jakarta’s ppl. Which is not a good habit, in my opinion. Not only me, Mbak Desy, a student in Lancaster also has the same opinion with me. When I heard about the event, indofest 2013. Where indo’s student from all different cities are given a chance to meet and get to know with each other better, building relations and connections. The fact is? All of them are kinda ignorant, only tend to stay in their group, talking and laughing out loud, and don’t even share a smile with strangers and saying simple word like “thank you” to us at all, even the committees were like that.
However, I know that it’s not sincerely all their fault only. Maybe because I live in Lancaster, with small number of indo ppl in here. So we were so blend with each other, easily get connected with each other and are like family alr because of all the hospitality. That’s why I was expecting to meet the same atmosphere in a bigger indo society event. Though in fact, it was not like that. At all. Yeah I do hope too much about it but seeing this makes me feel disappointed and grateful at the same time. Disappointed to see they act like that, ppi uk always talking about the unity, togetherness of all indo student bla bla bla, though in fact. The reality doesn’t resemble it at all. Grateful, cause I chooses Lancaster university to study in. Overhelming by kind, caring, and great ppl that sharing the same nationality with me. We were close with each other and I love this situation, which is different with in indo where every one was just so individualists and ignorant.
This last 10 months have taught me about a lot of things within ppi Lancaster. I met Teh Vina and Kang Budi, a lovely couple that makes me learns a lot from tehm, Mbak Ara and Dr Anto, another lovely couple whom again makes me learn a lot from them. These 2 families are my role model, especially Mbak Ara that never stops to learn while knowing the limit as a wife, a mother, and a housewife. Hope someday I could be like her, didn’t stop giving inspiration other ppl while growing up my own family as well on the other hand. Met some hardworking and smart students as well. Bari, Andriana, Kak Dhani, Kak Qisha, Kak Haikal, Kak Firza, Mbak Desy, Ci Elyta, and Mbak Latifah. They are fun, always makes me laugh til having stomachache every time we’re hanging out together. Mbak Eny and Mas Mamat, Mbak Mira and Mbak Noor taught me about a lot of things too. Simply love living here surrounded by these lovely, caring and great ppl. I sincerely admire every single one of them. Hope we just can stay here, still remain with the same ppl year by year, but unfortunately some of them are gone alr next year. Sad, but still, good to be able to meet each one of them rather than not at all. I hope the bound within ppi Lancaster can continue being like this. Stay close with each other, having fun together, helping each other, and remain close like a second family in this country.
So thankful to come to here, to meet each one of them and know them a little bit better than before

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